Friday, March 27, 2009


Spring is in the air, DIGITAL KNICKERS style with this cute flirty tied-up corset dress, complete with frilly sleeves, and prim skirt. "Spring Fling" comes in an array of colors:
􀀙Summer Sunsets - vibrant warm reds, with hints of fire and gold tones.
􀀚Oceans Blues - crisp and cool turquoise and seagreen colors
􀀛Dusky Roses - Vintage warm rose colors, with hints of pink petals, and romance.
􀀜Daisies - pure sunshine. Rich browns and golden yellows like a field of daisies.
Each only $250L, available instore now!
Introducing "Scorpio" Stiletto Boots, another boot style from Digital Knickers. Wrapped with chains, opal and turquoise, and black moonstone beads, and tiny revolver. 􀀘
Be on the look out, for a new midnight mania item this week! 􀀝

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