New stuff! Yay! lol. First up is the Diamond Drop
Choker. It's a personal fav of mine.. a recreation of the one that
girl "jackie" from WorkOut on Bravo wears. If anyone... watches.. those strange shows.
She is a little hottie with that attitude I think lol.
Anyhow, here it be!
These are a re-creation of a dress in my collection..
but made into a formal type gown. Nothing too primmy.. just simple
and elegant. Only one color is shown here, but there are
five color choices (I think! oy my brain).
Find them in-store!
It's been a verrrry busy RL, and after having these in my inventory for over a
week, here they are, finally! BellyChains! These have a hindu kinda flavor to them
I think. They hug the belly, rather than hang on the belly. Black Silver, or Gold are the metal
choices.. all with color changeable gems.