Monday, August 28, 2006

a little hindu, a little foo foo

New stuff! Yay! lol. First up is the Diamond Drop
Choker. It's a personal fav of mine.. a recreation of the one that
girl "jackie" from WorkOut on Bravo wears. If anyone... watches.. those strange shows.
She is a little hottie with that attitude I think lol.
Anyhow, here it be!

These are a re-creation of a dress in my collection..
but made into a formal type gown. Nothing too primmy.. just simple
and elegant. Only one color is shown here, but there are
five color choices (I think! oy my brain).
Find them in-store!

It's been a verrrry busy RL, and after having these in my inventory for over a
week, here they are, finally! BellyChains! These have a hindu kinda flavor to them
I think. They hug the belly, rather than hang on the belly. Black Silver, or Gold are the metal
choices.. all with color changeable gems.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

UGH! Who doesn't just love wednesdays anymore???
Well aside from the weekly mayhem, here's a new dress series.
"Summer Nights" is a light, flirty, swishy dress.
Both the prim skirt and underbreast frilly are flexi.
You know where :) Digital Knickers of cos!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Howdy shoppers :) Ive set out this weekend, new belly jewelry. Eight in total, 3 of which have color changable gems. Enjoy!